Adoption is a big game of trust.
We are trusting our agency to pass our profile onto the appropriate birth mothers, we are trusting our friends and family to pray for us and we are trusting God to have the perfect timing in His plan.
Trust is never easy and sometimes comes with the lessons of patience, understanding and faith. I know that God has clearly called us to adoption. I am more and more happy that we are adopting every moment. People always asking how are you doing with the waiting process?
I will say that 90% of the time I am doing great. I am faithful in trusting God and knowing that when the moment comes it will be God's gift but the 10% of the time I will not lie it is hard.
I am ready to come home and spend time with my baby and husband. I am ready to show my baby the love of God and to have them understand that no matter what we can trust God. I am ready to have my friends and family get to know my child. I am ready for well... being a mom! I know it will be tiring and hard but I also know it comes with joy and pleasure and I can't wait to experience all aspects of parenthood.
I am looking forward to the day but for now I will just continue to pray without ceasing for our adoption and I will continue to lean on the love and faithfulness of our friends, family and community! We are blessed beyond words for all the support and kind words we have received and we can't thank you enough for all your prayers!
Our Prayer: THANK YOU God for your faithful caring love for us. Thank you for our family and for all their support and prayers. Thank you God for our friends who encourage us and build us up as we wait for our adoption. God please place on the heart of the right birth mother to pick us, to see that we are ready and able to raise a child in a loving home that will focus on serving you and others. Thank you for the adoption process and for the gift that is to come. Thank you God for all your blessings to us!