Todd and Meredith
Monday, April 30, 2012
Will you join us in the 7 o'clock hour?
We pray, I think that we pray day and night for our future birth mother, we pray that our profile goes out to many birth mothers this month, we pray that a birth mother would pick us, we pray that our baby would be protected, we pray for our relationship with our birth mother, we pray for peace during this process, we pray that we continue to trust God's timing, and we pray for our fundraising (side note our shirts are still up for sale and would be a great gift for mother's day so please go order your shirts today at
We also give thanks! We give thanks for everyone who is praying for us, we thank God for all who have so kindly made donations or bought a tee shirt to support our adoption. We thank God for our time waiting and we are thankful for God's continuous love and guidance.
People keep asking how is it going and it is the same answer it is a waiting game but every time I get asked that question I pray for the day that we no longer are waiting but are rejoicing with everyone about the child that God has placed in our lives.
So we are asking you to join us in prayer. We are asking that during one of the 7 o'clock hours, either in the morning or evening that you say an extra prayer for us and our adoption. We know there is great power in prayer and we know so many of you are praying for this adoption already and what a powerful thing if everyone who we know prays during the 7 o'clock hours. God hears our prayers and knows our desires and it is an honor to present this request to our loving heavenly Father together!!
We thank you for all your prayers, love, support and donations! We are blessed!
Monday, April 16, 2012
We have always thought that some day we would love to have children and after talking about it and meeting with our doctors, as Todd has a genetic medical condition we did not want to pass along, we decided to adopt. We are thrilled!
We chose to start our adoption journey around August 2011. We did research and met with a few people before we chose to go with Angel Adoption in Cary, IL.
We applied and had our phone interview with them in September and they explained that they only took 5-6 couples a month, nerve racking, yes! But October came and we were in!
We had to do our home study before we could be placed on the website and have Angel find a birth mother for us. So Todd and Meredith contacted Good Hope Adoption in South Dennis and started our home study. We collected all the information anyone could need and completed our home study by January.
Now we are on the Angel Adoption website and they have sent out our profile and continue to send out our profile to possible birth mothers. We do not know when we will be picked. We do not have qualifications for our child, a boy or girl or what race. We are excited to see where God will lead us.
What will happen after we are picked? We will talk or meet with the birth mother and grow a relationship of trust and respect. The birth mother will go into labor and we will be called and be informed as to what hospital to go to (anywhere in the USA). We will then be there to welcome our child into the world. We will wait for the birth mother to sign over her rights to the baby. We will then have to stay in the state that they child is born until our home study is approved by that state (unless the child is born in MA and then we can come home). We will then be approved to travel across stateliness and come home.
We will have post placement follow ups with Good Hope Adoption and after 6 months we will go to court and officially become the parents of our baby!
We would greatly appreciate your prayers as we journey through this adoption process and as God guides us!