Waiting is a process in and of itself. It is an art and it is something that Todd and are are truly trying to embrace. There is nothing more we can do, no more papers to fill out, no way for us to talk to a birth mother and tell her how excited we are to be parents and how much we already love our little child to be, there is nothing more to do but PRAY!
We pray, I think that we pray day and night for our future birth mother, we pray that our profile goes out to many birth mothers this month, we pray that a birth mother would pick us, we pray that our baby would be protected, we pray for our relationship with our birth mother, we pray for peace during this process, we pray that we continue to trust God's timing, and we pray for our fundraising (side note our shirts are still up for sale and would be a great gift for mother's day so please go order your shirts today at http://www.adoptionbug.com/petershopefaithjoyfamily/)
We also give thanks! We give thanks for everyone who is praying for us, we thank God for all who have so kindly made donations or bought a tee shirt to support our adoption. We thank God for our time waiting and we are thankful for God's continuous love and guidance.
People keep asking how is it going and it is the same answer it is a waiting game but every time I get asked that question I pray for the day that we no longer are waiting but are rejoicing with everyone about the child that God has placed in our lives.
So we are asking you to join us in prayer. We are asking that during one of the 7 o'clock hours, either in the morning or evening that you say an extra prayer for us and our adoption. We know there is great power in prayer and we know so many of you are praying for this adoption already and what a powerful thing if everyone who we know prays during the 7 o'clock hours. God hears our prayers and knows our desires and it is an honor to present this request to our loving heavenly Father together!!
We thank you for all your prayers, love, support and donations! We are blessed!
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