Todd and Meredith

Todd and Meredith
A blog about the love and joy that came to us through adoption!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

1 Chronicles 16:34 "Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever."

Today is Thanksgiving and we are thankful for my family! We were together at the house and I was able to have the time to be thankful to God for many things! The list could go on forever but we will list our top five things that we are thankful for...

5. Health and Insurance- We are thankful for the good health we have and we are thankful for health insurance when we need to see a doctor (like Todd with his kidney stone- yes, he still has it so please keep him in your prayers, no pain now but it needs to pass)
4. Family- We have a wonderful family, both our families are such blessings to us and we are thankful for who they are and all they teach us and also the fun and love we have together and for each other! Our families, both families and friends, have been so gracious in supporting our adoption process and their willingness to give and we are so grateful! God is so good!
3. Shelter and Food- How can you not be thankful for food on Thanksgiving but to have a safe warm place to live day and night is a truly blessing that we take for granted sometimes. We are thankful for jobs that help us pay our bills! It is a blessing and we pray for the people out there that were short food today and have a cold place to stay tonight, it breaks our hearts to think that someone didn't have enough food today when we had more than enough.
2. Marriage- We got to share today what we are thankful for and we both shared that we are thankful for each other and we love that we will be able to give the gift of a strong Christian marriage as an example for our future child. We love being married, through the good and the bad, we love each other and continue to grow closer to God and each other, a major blessing!
1.God- We would be lost and lonely and full of stress, worry, anger and missing our relationship without God. God loves us and wants a relationship with everyone and we are thankful for the relationships we do have with God and for all the ways He provides to us. The ways we see and notice and the ways he provides that we don't see or notice. We give thanks for his unfailing love!

We are both very thankful! We hope you all had a great day and were able to reflect on what you are thankful for, Happy Thanksgiving!

Love, Todd and Meredith Peters
7 Poplar Lane
South Dennis, MA 02660

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