Todd and Meredith

Todd and Meredith
A blog about the love and joy that came to us through adoption!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Our future in the adoption process

Today Todd and I were on facebook looking at the Angel Adoption updates and we are excited for the day that we get to put our family picture on there. Here is an update on where we are in the adoption process. (

We had our final meeting with our social worker, Mary Ellen, and all went well and now we are just waiting for her to write the final report. She is hoping to have the final report done for us by the end of January. That is a huge answer to prayer that our home study went smooth and that we can continue on in the adoption process.

What is next? Well we will get the report and send it on to Angel Adoption and they will put out our profile for birthmothers to see and we will be praying for a birthmother to pick us quickly. We are open to adopt a newborn baby, any race, and from any where in the USA.

The birthmother and us will then have contact, if close enough we will meet, if it is a distance apart then we will have a phone conversation and if all goes smooth the birthmother will pick us for the parents and we will wait for our baby to be born.

Then we will go to the hospital on the birth day and wait for our child to be born and for the birthmother to sign over her rights. We will bring the baby home if born in MA, unlikely so we will be going to a hotel and waiting for that state to approve our homestudy and for us to have the rights to travel out of the birth state with the child, it can take between a week or a few weeks.
We will then do follow up studies with Mary Ellen for 6 months, if everything goes smoothly we will go to the court and finalize our adoption. As you can see it is still quite the process but we are hopeful for God's mercy and grace to walk with us each step of the way.

Please pray with us as we continue to look for support as we adopt. If you would like to donate to the our adoption we are grateful for every dollar. We have amazing families and they are going to through us an adoption dinner and people are going to pay to come and give that money towards our adoption. We are so thankful for our families and can not wait to bring our child home and show them our awesome families and teach them to love as we have been loved!

Psalm 63:3 Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you.
Faithfully praying for our future child and birthmother, Todd and Meredith Peters

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