Todd and Meredith

Todd and Meredith
A blog about the love and joy that came to us through adoption!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Blessed and surprised

How do you thank people enough when my heart feels like there is no way to thank everyone for everything?!?

We had our adoption dinner at Cape Cod Covenant Church last night and Todd and I were amazed at all the wonderful people who worked so hard with us to get everything cooked and set up, we were amazed by peoples willingness to donate their time and energy and skills, we were so thankful and amazed by the people who showed up and donated, and we were blessed with the feeling of God and love in the room.
My favorite part of the dinner was seeing everyone there. It was a joy to look around and see different people I knew from different things, I had people there that I have coached, our social worker was there, the lady that I rent vans from was there, people from church, my teenagers, Todd's family, my family, friends, and we had both young and old, and it reminded me of two things. First I was overwhelmed that we are so blessed to be able to go through this adoption journey with such amazing people and that some day we will get to share our child with such awesome people. We could not
ask for better people to walk through this journey with! The second thing I thought was, man when we get to Heaven it will be like this, all our friends

and family will be there, enjoying great food, music, entertainment, laughter and you know God will be loving it! God was with us last night and I can't wait to see His face someday when we celebrate in Heaven!
There were so many people behind the scenes of our dinner; Carol-Lynn put together a raffle basket for us and we raised over $100 in tickets from the raffle, thank you so much Carol Lynn and congratulations to Clair on winning! Bob Wilson supplied our music and entertainment for the night with a few special guest, the teenagers and Elizabeth, Thank you Bob. Buncey's Pizza donated delicious lasagnas, Todd's Uncle Mike made amazing bread, and Todd's mom brought a lasagna all the way from
Brockton for the dinner, thank you for the food donations! Thank you to everyone who provided salads, it was such a wonderful spread! Thank you to Carolyn for the beautiful and yummy cake! It was more than we had dreamed of and the three
different flavors were amazing! Thank you for donating your time and skills! Thank you to everyone who helped set up and clean up! It is amazing what people working together can achieve! Without all of you, Todd and I would still be there cleaning up!
My mom worked so hard to get the dinner ready. We planned and hoped and yes, even prayed that we would not burn the food and the food came out great. One dish had my mom at the stove stirring for an hour and a half. She is a dedicated woman and I admire her deeply. I loved working with her in the kitchen and we worked hard and laughed hard! It was a joy!
Everyone always wants to know how much did we make at a fundraiser and I am pleased to say that we made over $2000 at our fundraiser from the donations from people there and those who donated even though they could not attend! Thank you so much to everyone for their generous gifts of love towards our adoption. We are blessed beyond words and we thank you all for making the night so special!

We will forever give thanks for each and everyone of you and know that you all hold a special and dear spot in our hearts!
Meredith and Todd

Friday, March 9, 2012


I spend my entire life trying to share the story of God's amazing love with people. I also aim to listen to everyone's story; to hear how they are feeling and what they are experiencing. It is one of my joys of my life to hear God through everyone's stories!! I love it!

I have LOVED hearing all the adoption stories out there. When you tell someone you are in the process of adopting you always get, "oh my cousin adopted" or "I know my friend adopted" etc. And I can't express how much these statements warm my heart; to know that others have been where I am, to have people excited to share more of their stories but the stories I love the most are from those who have adopted first hand.

I love to see the passion of an adopted parent sharing the story of their adoption process. To see there eyes as they tell a funny story or a hard time and to see the joy when they think about the moment when they saw their child's face for the first time. I can't think of anything I have enjoyed more during this process than that joy, the joy of the adopted parents!

I am loving blogging. To hear people say that they are reading the blog and praying for us and that they hope we get a child soon, it is a blessing. We are a community and my child's adoptive story is already filled with love and prayer and what could be better.

I love blogging so much that I am going to blog again on Monday. See on Monday is my birthday and I want to write to my future child what I hope they know when they are 29 so stay posted for that! I was asked by my sister what I want for my birthday and I can clearly stay just for a birth mother to pick us. I don't think I really want much more than that but then I thought oh it would be wonderful if on my birthday we sold a ton of our adoption tee shirts. To not only because it supports our adoption but future adoptions; to give more families the opportunity to
have a story about adoption and to see the joy and love in their eyes!

Yes for my birthday I would love for everyone to order a tee shirt (the link is on the right side of this blog) and then to post on facebook for how their friends can order shirts too. What an amazing our pouring of love that would be! Thank you to all of you have already ordered a shirt or made a donation. We give thanks for you ALL the time!
One last thing, we are having a fundraiser dinner at Cape Cod Covenant Church on Friday, March 23 and we would love for you to come but we are trying to plan for food and table set up and such so if you are planning on coming please RSVP as soon as possible! Thank you!

Please continue to pray for our adoption journey! Please pray with us as we seek a birthmother, as we get the privilege of hearing her story, and as we continue to follow God through this whole process!

Love in Christ's Love,
Meredith and Todd Peters

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Everyone is invited!

We are getting really excited about our upcoming Adoption Dinner Fundraiser on March 23! We love to get our families and friends together and eat! We thank everyone who has RSVP to the dinner! Everyone is invited to the dinner but PLEASE RSVP by March 18! Please invite your friends, neighbors, families, EVERYONE just make sure to RSVP!

Today is my last day of vacation and as I was thinking about what I did this vacation and then I had the burst of energy to do one more thing. Yes I have spent much time cleaning, folding laundry, going to the gym and praying. I have highly enjoyed being home for a week but I just wanted to get one last thing done so I went upstairs and took down the twin bed in the guest room and then I got the crib placed there and I organized all the wonderful baby stuff we have been given.

Todd and I have not received any leads on a birth mother but we trust that God is just making sure to provide us with the right person at the right time (really it has only been a couple of weeks). We did receive our profile that the agency sends out to the birth mothers and we pray that we will be picked soon. I don't mind waiting but waiting for two years would be a true act of patience. Todd prays at lunch every day that we may trust God in His timing and I pray that every moment. Sometimes we try to rush things and miss other blessings in the waiting so I am trying to enjoy the waiting process.

Todd and I received our shirts in the mail this week (picture to come shortly) and we have fliers for people who would like to place an order for tee shirts, it explains why we are selling tee shirts and what the website is to order a tee shirt. We are faithfully praying to sell 200 tee shirts, if you know of someone who would like to order a shirt and sponsor our adoption please give them the website! We would greatly appreciate it, if you ordered a tee shirt and are attending the fundraiser dinner, please wear your tee shirt!

We thank you all for your kind words of encouragement and for all of you who have supported us on this journey. Please continue to pray with us and for us as we continue to follow God on these crazy path of life and adoption! We hope to see all of you at our fundraiser on March 23!

Love in Christ,
Meredith and Todd Peters