Todd and Meredith

Todd and Meredith
A blog about the love and joy that came to us through adoption!

Thursday, January 24, 2013


A season of Thanksgiving

This morning when I got up I was thinking of all the things I was thankful for... do we have to list our blessings and thanks just at Thanksgiving. No! In 1 Thessalonians 5:18 it says, "give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." 

Here is my list of things I am thankful for:
God: I am thankful for my faith. I am thankful for a God that loves me and provides for me and when life gets crazy I know that God is always with me. The peace that comes from having a relationship with God is truly amazing!
Todd: If I could choice to marry anyone in the world, I would pick Todd every time. I love him. I am thankful every day that he is my husband. I am thankful that he is my child's dad and I am so thankful for his patience and understanding. I am thankful for his sense of humor, his kindness and for his help!
Payton: If you have not met my new love of my life, when you do, you are in for a joy! She fills the house with smiles and love (and when she wants her bottle a scream or two!). She loves to laugh and play and she fits PERFECT into our family and we are so thankful that God has given her to us!
Family: Where would I be without my family and Todd's family? Up a tree with no idea of what to do; I honestly don't know how people go through life without a strong family unit and I have a blessing of having two strong family units. Strong family where we can ask for help, celebrate joys together, love spending time together and just share a love that never ends. I couldn't be more excited to have Payton be a part of our families! She is loved beyond any measurable amount by all of our families and we are thrilled!
Friends: We have wonderful friends! They come and support us when the family is not around. They keep me sane and we are blessed to have both wonderful family and friends. I am so excited for Payton to have friends of our friends. Our friends and church community are hosting a baby shower on Saturday and we are so thankful for everyone's generosity. Todd was sick with the flu for a week and friends helped out greatly and we are so appreciative. 
Church Community: I have been able to take time off from work to bond deeply with Payton and make sure she understands that I am her mother and the church has been amazing! They have given me the time off but more importantly they have fully embraced us as a family! They have sent cards, meals, flowers, and just been such an amazing support. Pastor Tom stopped by and prayed with us as a family and it has been a joy to have such lovely support and encouragement. 
Birth family: We are so thankful that Payton came from a loving family. They gave her such a great start at life and we will also be thankful for the love they gave Payton and for the hard decision they made to give her up for adoption out of love. We will forever be thankful to them!
Hunter: If you have ever come to our house you know that we have this dog who is hyper and can still jump when he is not getting enough attention but in spite of that I am thankful for his gentleness and I am thankful for how great he has been with Payton. He gives her kisses and Payton talks and talks to him and it is fun to watch and I am thankful for our crazy family dog!

Thank you to all of you! Thank you for your love, support and gifts! We are blessed! 

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