Todd and Meredith

Todd and Meredith
A blog about the love and joy that came to us through adoption!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Children of God

We have had the joy of finding out that we were accepted into the adoption program and with being accepted comes the need to pay out of pocket for the adoption. It has been such a blessing and a joy to be able to have our family and friends support us. We do not like to ask for help, gifts or a loan but we know that we are called to adopt so we sucked up our pride and were able to send in our first payment towards our adoption.
It is now official. We are in the adoption phase. It is amazing to be able to hear all the adoption stories out there, both good and bad, and we look forward to sharing our adoption story with all of you.
Our next stage is still saving up money and working on figuring that out but God always provides so we will continue to trust Him! We will do our homestudy at the same time that Angel Adoption looks for a birthmother for us. We pray that we connect with the right mother, it is exciting to us to think that someone is concerned about raising a child or about being pregnant and we will get an opportunity to meet this mother and offer their child a family full of love!
This month is national adoption awareness month and my friend posted a video about adoption and it was perfect for us! It is by Third Day and it talks about us all being the Children of God and the video is beautiful! If you would like to watch it,
Thank you to all of you who are praying with us and a special thank you to our friends and family who have donated to our adoption! If you would like to donate please make checks out to Meredith and Todd Peters and in memo write adoption. Our mailing address is 7 Poplar Lane South Dennis, MA 02660.

Pray: God, help us be patience and faithful in our prayers about our adoption. We always want to follow your will for our lives and we look to you for guidance. Please protect our child and the birthmother, help them feel your love around them! Thank you for our friends and family who support us! Thank you for your unfailing loving and help us to always remember that we are your children and that we have been redeemed and forgiven and that we truly are your sons and daughters! Amen!


  1. I'm so excited for you guys! I wish I could support you financially, but you will have to settle for my support in prayer :)

  2. Megg, Thank you for your prayers! There is nothing like the support of our friends and family and we see the prayers as a gift from our support so THANK YOU so much!!
