Todd and Meredith

Todd and Meredith
A blog about the love and joy that came to us through adoption!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Now is the time!

We want to thank all of you for your support of our adoption. Todd and I can't even begin to thank you all for your prayers and support.

We are going to be closing our tee shirt website on January 15 so if you would like to order a tee shirt and support our adoption please get your orders in now!

You can go to...
to place your order and while you are there please order a shirt for your friends, family and yourself!

There are shirts for men, women, boys, and girls! Thank you to all who have already ordered a shirt! We hope you enjoy wearing them. It so warms our hearts to see you wear the shirts. Thank you!!

Our families wearing their shirts! (my mom, Todd, Todd's dad, and I)

Our friends: The Shea's modeling their family adoption tee shirts!  

Todd and I in our tee shirts!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Ok so honesty is the name of this blog... I am going to be honest with where I am today.

I am tired of waiting, most of the time I don't mind waiting, but this week has been one of those weeks where the waiting is just hard. I am so beyond ready to have a baby. We are ready! I was telling Todd how I was more than ready this week and tired of waiting and he was totally agreeing. He is tired and ready too BUT at the same time we see God!

Tonight I was on facebook and one of my friends is also adopting and her status was "Praying for God to help me through this "waiting" period. Played this song probably about 50 times in the last month. Love Kari Jobe!" (side note if you are looking for a great new song check this one out, it is great!) I know that feeling of the waiting period being long. I felt joy to know that I am not the only one waiting to adopt. I know there are tons of families out there waiting to hear too and it gives me joy to be in community (even just through facebook) with other Christian friends waiting and praying.

We got a lead on a woman who was pregnant and looking for a family but it was an odd situation and as much as your heart got excited for the thought but after praying for guidance and to know whether to consider this mother; the moment had passed. I felt a strange peace about it being gone and I knew at that moment that it was God protecting us and telling me that he has the perfect situation and baby in mind for us.

So I continue to pray and trust God to help us through this "waiting" period and knowing that God is not just waiting but working and preparing for us the situation that He has for us. I am so excited to know that God is already there. He knows what baby will enter our family, what birth mother is going to be our birth mother, and what a blessing this whole adoption will be in the end but also during this waiting time.

Thank you for all your continued prayers and support. We are still working hard to pay for our adoption through fundraisers and will have a few coming up soon but if you are thinking about Christmas gifts already please remember that we are selling tee shirts to raise money for our adoption. Please visit our website and invite your friends to visit too (!

Please continue to pray for us and our adoption!! Love to you all and your families! Have a happy and joy filled Thanksgiving!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

A village

Volunteers from the pumpkin patch today! Amazing group! 
Today at work, we unloaded 1000 plus pumpkins for a fundraiser all for the sake of raising money for the Senior High Missions Trip to South Dakota. We laughed and joked and worked hard and in the end the job got done.
Tonight I sit in my house with the fire going and reflect on one question... how many people does it take to raise a child?
I have thought the saying "it takes a village to raise a child" is true for a while now and today it was out in full force at Cape Cod Covenant Church and I thought about all the teenagers that have gone on missions trip through the church and all the volunteers through the years. I thought about the picnic table team, as I signed the paper for the driver, and I thought about the countless fundraisers and the silent supporters and the amazing love and then I thought does it make a difference? Does a trip like a missions trip for one week during the year make a difference?
I truly believe so! I believe when you see those kids in society as young adults there is a spark, was it the missions trip who knows but I do think it has something to do with the youth knowing that people cared about them enough to help with fundraisers and drive go on these trips. I also think it is important for youth to know they are needed. The houses we will fix in South Dakota can not be fixed without all the teenagers going on the trip, most of the money they pay is for the cost of materials. These kids matter and matter a lot to the residences whose houses we will go work on this summer.
These are great thoughts but what does this all have to do with our adoption journey? Well two things, one we could not do it alone. We couldn't raise enough support, we couldn't go about it without all your prayers, and we can't be parents without a birthmother. Everyone has an important role in our journey to become parents. And two it does take a village to raise a child. It takes a village of caring people to seek out the best for the child and to pray for them and to nurture them into mature Christians and that is my prayer for my child.

I don't care if my child becomes a doctor, a singer, a bus driver, a lawyer, a teacher, an actor, whatever, as long as they know they are valued and that God loves them and they love God! I pray that my child has a heart for God, a heart to serve and seek the best for others because they know that God loves all people!
I can't wait to meet my child but I am not waiting to pray for them! I pray every day that we will be matched soon and that my child will long for God and to serve our awesome creator and Lord!

Friday, September 28, 2012

9 months...

The wait is long. So this month marks the 9th month we have been on the list and we are feeling like we are more than ready to have a baby but it is not our time. Naturally 9 months would make sense to feel ready, right? 

It is like when a mother is pregnant and her child is holding tight inside and they moan about how long they will be past their due date but we don't have a due date yet and we don't have a birthmother yet and still somehow I am still at peace.

I am still at peace with our decision to adopt. Still at peace with the thought that God knows! Still at peace that the average time on the list is 14 months and we still have waiting to do. Still at peace that during this time of waiting we have the amazing support of our friends and family. Still at peace with the time God has given Todd and I to be just Todd and I. 

Do we long for the future? Of course but really we are patience in the step of life that we are in right now. We can do things that those with babies can't do. We can go to a late movie without child care, we can sleep in, we can eat popcorn for dinner, we can have a quiet moment in our house. 

Really though the thing I treasure most about this process is seeing God work. Seeing God's hand when we can pay extra on our bank loan, seeing God send a text from a long time friend when we needed encouragement, seeing God send humor when we needed to laugh. God is good all the time and this week the Sonicflood song- Holiness and one line just keeps running through my head... "faithfulness is what I long for Faithfulness is what I need Faithfulness, faithfulness is what You want from me" God wants me to be faithful in trusting Him, in hoping in Him and so that is what I long for! 

God has blessed us and continues to bless us. We have some amazing supporters of our adoption and we are hoping that by June 2013 we will be able to pay off our bank loan that was not scheduled to be paid off until November 2016. With an interest rate of 10.04% that is a HUGE blessing and so we thank all of you for your support and prayers!

Please continue to pray for us as we wait on the baby that God has planned to be in our lives. Pray for us as we continue to be faithful stewards with our money so we can pay off the bank loan and please give thanks for all of you and all of our supporters financially, emotionally and spiritually! 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

God speaks

I pray every day, well almost every moment, to have more faith and to trust God through everything. Some days it is easy and other days I just have to pray harder.

We are faithfully trusting God through our adoption. We get updates from the agency about how many times they have mailed out our profile and we continue to pray that God will touch a mother's heart to pick us, to pick us to raise their child, to love their child, to teach their child right from wrong, and mostly to show their child how to love God and love others.

As we wait we continue to hear, "How are you doing through all the waiting" and we are doing well. I enjoy the moments of quiet in the morning that I know will pass with a child entering our lives, I enjoy the time to pray and be with Todd, I enjoy the time to think about the future but enjoy the present time as well. But as we wait the thing I enjoy the most is hearing God speak. I hear God reassure me moment after moment that His timing is perfect, His way is right, and He holds me like someday I will hold my baby.

One morning I was doing devotions and God spoke through them and I wanted to share the devotion with you. The devotion comes out of the book Miracles by Karen Kingsbury and it is titled "God's Ways."

"They are the children God has graciously given your servant." Genesis 33:5

After four miscarriages, Margaret and Bill Jefferson endured a daily sense of loss that was cavernous. They had been married six years and wanted babies desperately. Having tried just about everything, they were running out of medical options.
Finally Bill began praying that Margaret would find a friend, someone who might understand her pain, the desperation to be a mother one day. Not long afterward, Margaret signed up to be part of a book club at her church. There she met a woman who shared Margaret's sorrow of multiple miscarriages.
It was Joanne who asked Margaret if they had considered adoption. Margaret had always pictured their babies coming from her and Bill- not from a stranger. "Is that how you...?"
"Yes" Joanne grinned. "We adopted two sister, who wouldn't have had a chance otherwise."
"How can you... how do you love them as your own?"
"They are my own. If God puts a child in our homes, that child is our own for as long as God desires. They're all on loan, when you think about it."
Margaret let the idea sink in. All children belong to God. His to give, his to take, on loan for a season. That night she asked Bill, "Honey, what do you think about adoption?"
"I've thought about it, but guess I've been afraid. I had a teacher who was so excited about adopting a little boy, but the birth mother changed her mind."
"So the adoption fell through. How awful."
"Yeah, she was never the same after that."
"That's why you never brought it up?"
"I guess. Even talking about it makes me think about the possibilities for disappointment."
That part sounded terrifying to Margaret also. But certainly birth mothers didn't change their minds often. "God knows what he's doing," she would tell Bill over the following weeks. "He knows we couldn't stand that kind of loss. Maybe we should look into it a little more."
Finally they contacted a private adoption attorney and shared their fears.
The attorney shared his understanding of their feelings. "It's up to me how I match up up. You can be sure the adoption is almost 100 percent risk-free."
Almost 100 percent. The phrase caught on the edges of Margaret's nerves. The fact was, she and Bill could only pin all their hopes on God. He alone knew what they could tolerate.
Six months after finishing their home study, the attorney called them to his office. He had located a twenty-four-year-old birth mother, who'd given up one other child two years earlier. Her notes in the file explained that she didn't believe in abortion, but she had no interest in being a mother.
The adoption would be open, something the birth mother had requested. Margaret and Bill were fine with that, believing a woman who had thought things through to that point would be more likely to stand by her decision. Besides, the woman had already given up one child. The odds were as good as they could get.
Months passed and they learned that the woman's baby was a girl. Aware that their little girl would be coming home in just five weeks, they named her Brianna Suzanne, and decorated her bedroom and counted the days.
Finally the call came. "She's in labor. If you get down to the hospital, you'll have a chance to see your daughter as soon as she's born."
A lump filled Margaret's throat. They'd lost four babies, but they wouldn't lose this one. "God's so good. I knew it would all work out."
Bill nodded. "Isn't it amazing? Miraculous."
On the way to the hospital, the two of them went over the attorney's instructions. They could visit with the baby while she was in the hospital and as often as they wanted during the forty-eight-hour period when the birth mother could change her mind.
When Margaret and Bill entered the waiting room, their attorney was there, talking with the doctor and the social worker. Something was obviously wrong.
As their attorney led them into the hallway, Margaret's heart was pounding in her throat. He sighed hard. "The birth mother's wavering."
Margaret thought she was dreaming. The'd done everything they could to avoid this. "Wavering?"
Bill leaned against the wall. The impossible had happened, just the way he'd feared, and now he looked drained of all hope. "So it's a done deal?"
"Not entirely. Her first baby was a boy, and apparently she never wanted a boy. And when she found out this baby was a girl, she didn't believe it. Now, she's saying all her life she's wanted a daughter. But it might just be last-minute jitters."
Three hours later the terrible news they'd been dreading was confirmed. The birth mother was adamant and apologetic but she wanted to keep her baby.
The couple left the hospital in a fog. Margaret wanted to pray but she couldn't. The loss was just as great as every miscarriage- a silent sort of grief and loss other people seldom understand.
For weeks after losing the baby girl, Margaret thought about the child. What sort of life would she have? The questions were so daunting, the loss so great, she had no interest in starting the process over again. She and Bill decided they would shelve the idea of parenting for now. If God didn't want them to raise a child, they couldn't do anything to force the issue.
But one day three months later, the social worker called, "I've got another baby girl. She was born a week ago and apparently the family she was headed for had already been given another child. So this baby girl is your if you're interested. The mother waived her rights to the child. There is no danger of a change of plans."
Bill and Margaret looked at each other and their answer was immediate. "Yes."
Overnight, they were the parents of an angel baby, a child they named Brianna Suzanne. God had answered their prayer after all. But they didn't realize the true miracle until they took a call from the social worker six months later.
"I have some bad news. The child you lost out on had a rare heart condition. She died last week."
The news hit Margaret like a baseball bat in the stomach. She sat down, cradling her daughter close to her chest. "I'm sorry. Please... tell the mother we'll pray for her."
When the conversation was over, Margaret remembered her prayer. Please, God... we can't lose another child. She studied her daughter's small features and tried to imagine losing her now, after six months. God knew they could not handle that. And instead God brought them Brianna Suzanne, a miracle baby in more ways than they had known until that morning.

"As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows we are formed, he remembers that we are dust." Psalm 103:13-14

Monday, August 20, 2012


Adoption is a big game of trust.

We are trusting our agency to pass our profile onto the appropriate birth mothers, we are trusting our friends and family to pray for us and we are trusting God to have the perfect timing in His plan.

Trust is never easy and sometimes comes with the lessons of patience, understanding and faith. I know that God has clearly called us to adoption. I am more and more happy that we are adopting every moment. People always asking how are you doing with the waiting process?

I will say that 90% of the time I am doing great. I am faithful in trusting God and knowing that when the moment comes it will be God's gift but the 10% of the time I will not lie it is hard.

I am ready to come home and spend time with my baby and husband. I am ready to show my baby the love of God and to have them understand that no matter what we can trust God. I am ready to have my friends and family get to know my child. I am ready for well... being a mom! I know it will be tiring and hard but I also know it comes with joy and pleasure and I can't wait to experience all aspects of parenthood.

I am looking forward to the day but for now I will just continue to pray without ceasing for our adoption and I will continue to lean on the love and faithfulness of our friends, family and community! We are blessed beyond words for all the support and kind words we have received and we can't thank you enough for all your prayers!

Our Prayer: THANK YOU God for your faithful caring love for us. Thank you for our family and for all their support and prayers. Thank you God for our friends who encourage us and build us up as we wait for our adoption. God please place on the heart of the right birth mother to pick us, to see that we are ready and able to raise a child in a loving home that will focus on serving you and others. Thank you for the adoption process and for the gift that is to come. Thank you God for all your blessings to us!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

The joys of adoption

Many responses come from telling people you are adopting and in the adoption process I have felt many feelings but for the most part the feelings have been of joy.

Joy in the fact that we will be welcoming a child into our lives that is already loved by so many, joy for the fact that so many are praying for our child, and joy in the fundraising process.

Yes fundraising is exhausting (at 7 pm at the Peters' household tonight it feels like 10 pm to us all!), fundraising is a process but it is a joy. A joy to share with friends, family, and strangers about the calling on our lives to love another; to do what God has called us all to do in loving one another!

Today was no different! We had a fundraiser, a yard sale, and we prepared by collecting donations, hanging posters, talking about it all week on facebook and the day finally arrives and we are set up and for the first hour we were having a great showing. People were coming, we were selling items, we were telling them about our yard sale and giving out fliers about our tee shirts and then nothing.

THE ROAD WAS BLOCKED for a road race!! Ahhh the first reaction was oh well we can't control this just like I can't control when we will receive a child and then I went inside and emptied the dishwasher and prayed that when the road opened that God would bring people here that needed to hear about our adoption or who would be willing to buy stuff. The blocked road also gave us a chance for some great laughs and checking out the merchandise, the joy in the journey. Well as soon as the race was open our road was full of cars ready to shop til they found just the right thing.

We were blessed all day! We saw people stop bargaining when they heard it was for an adoption, we received many donations on top of the items price marked and we saw that people in our community, life, and perfect strangers are generous and caring! It was a joy to fundraise today and share about our love for our future child.

My mom was here all day and she worked so hard and always a great greeter, Todd was in charge of the money and Patty (one of my teenagers) was our entertainment and our endless helper. They were all awesome and the day was a success because they were there but also because people donated so much stuff and come and shopped but at the end of the day it was a fundaiser and people always want to know how much you made... so how much did we make.

Well last night mom was like "I think $200 would be great." I agreed because we didn't have anything for sale for more than $15 and we knew the road race would stop some of the traffic but we serve a God bigger than road races or ticket prices and we were able to raise $417.13

Can you believe it?? Nothing short of a miracle so THANK YOU! Thank you! Thank you! But mostly thank you to God for providing for us in another way that we didn't think was possible! Thank you!! As always at the end of the night it is a JOY TO SERVE GOD and serve Him with so many wonderful families and friends and community members!

Here are some pictures from the day! Enjoy!
Friends from church were some of our early shoppers :) 
 Mom with the necklace pile! 
 Susan and Mike Smith shopping the books
 Donna Griswold chatting with other shoppers
 Patty dressed mom as advertisement for the Yard Sale! 
 Do you see the JOY??
 The joy of trying out some of the yard sale findings. 
 Patty's turn! :) The slippers with pink socks and a pink lamp. High Fashion. 
 Todd's family shopping the yard sale. Always a joy to have family around. 
 Todd's mom (soon to be grandmother) shopping. 
 The family- our greatest supporters!!!!!
My mom (Anita), Todd's Cousin (Erik), Todd, Todd's dad (Scott), Todd's mom (Joanne), Todd's Uncle (Mike), Me, Todd's Aunt (Karen)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Yard Sale for our adoption!

We are having a Yard Sale as a fundraiser for our adoption! 
We are collecting items that we can sell (no couches or electronics please) and we are looking for people who would like to help with set up, selling, and clean up! 
Here are the details of our upcoming YARD SALE! We are having a multi-family yard sale to raise money for our adoption! All proceeds will help with the adoption cost for our baby!
Come shop and get some awesome items and know that you are supporting our future family! :)
We will have items for sale for children, teenagers, college students, adults, EVERYONE! Come on by and SHOP!
Hope to see you Saturday, July 28 from 8 am to 2 pm at 7 Poplar Lane South Dennis, MA 02660. 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Waiting for the little things

Adoption is a lot of waiting as you can tell by now but we are not just waiting for the big events of receiving a phone call, making a relationship with a birth mother, having our child born, bringing them home and then finalizing our adoption.

As we continue to wait for the moment that we hold our child in our arms, we continue to trust God's timing. 

We are waiting for the little things like every expecting parents. Todd and I had the joy of going to the beach with our friends this week and when we got home we both were like "we can't wait to bring our child to the beach with friends and family!"

Todd and I are celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary this weekend so we went to celebrate by seeing Brave, the Pixar movie, and in there was a ton of kids and families. We so enjoyed all the little kids laughing and talking about what they were experiencing. We can not wait to take our child to the movies, to have them enjoy the simple things of life and to have the joys of being a child with loving parents.

We continue to work on paying off our adoption loan through dedication, amazing gifts from people, and selling our tee shirts and coffee! If you are wanting to buy a shirt, today is a great day for that and we so appreciate all who have bought shirts and supported us in our adoption.

Todd and I have been going through our house in preparation for our next fundraiser... A YARD SALE! We are going to be having a yard sale at our house on Saturday, July 28 from 8 am to 2 pm. We will be selling all kinds of stuff and some of our friends are donating items too. So stop by, get some great deals and support our adoption! Hope to see you at our Yard Sale on July 28!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The title of all post should be... THANK YOU!

Thank you to everyone who has in the past and who is currently donating to our adoption (by mailing checks, buying tee shirts, coming to a fundraiser)! We want to make sure that you all know that your donations mean the world to us. We had to take out a loan from the bank to get on the list for our adoption and the interest rate was high but manageable and we feel so blessed when we pay ahead and get that loan smaller and smaller! The day we pay off that loan will be such a blessing!

We want to make sure that everyone who donates knows that we are using every penny that you donate towards our adoption! Not a single penny that you donate goes to anything but our adoption loan and you can be sure that every time we get a check we make a donation towards that loan or directly to our adoption depending on the timing of what is due when. We have kept a list of every gift ever donated towards our adoption and we often look at it and give thanks to God for all of you.

Todd and I are still in the waiting process, man this seems like a long wait but we know it will be worth it in the long run! We long to share with our child about all the wonderful people through amazing donations made them a part of our family and through their care for us blessed us with the gift of a child.

We ask that you continue to pray for us as we continue to wait and trust God's timing. We look forward to the day that we post that we got a call, or our child is born, or that we are bringing home our baby, or that our adoption home visits are over and we are done with paper work and our adoption is finalized but one step at a time so we live in the moment of waiting. Of holding close to God's faithful love for us and holding close to our friends and our wonderful families who are more support than we could ever express! THANK YOU!

Thank you for your support, prayers, donations, love, and thank you for being you; for caring for us and for being empathetic and excited about our adoption too! You are all amazing!

Thank you and God Bless!
Meredith and Todd Peters

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Still waiting

Some people have been commenting on how we have not blogged in a while about our adoption and it is not because we have not been thinking about our adoption, or because we have raised all the money we hoped, or because we have stopped giving thanks for all your support. Just the blogging had a pause.

I told Todd that we needed to blogging and he said what can we say but THANK YOU and please keep praying as we keep waiting. The waiting is not so bad but the not knowing is hard. The not knowing when the phone will ring and they will tell us we have been matched. The not knowing what year our child will be born, the not knowing is tough.

I am learning to live with the waiting. During the time of waiting we get to pray and talk to so many people about adoption. We get to share our passion about starting a family through adoption and what a great opportunity someone will have to share love by giving their baby up for adoption. We have a huge respect for our future birth parent in the decision they are making, to make the decision to give their baby up for adoption can not be easy but what a true act of unselfish love!

Todd and I ask that you please keep praying that we would be picked at the proper time by the right birth mother and that we would not only be patience with waiting but that we would be at peace during this time full of the unknown.

Thank you for all your love and support! It is amazing to see how much love is out there in this world and in our community of friends and family. We are blessed and we won't want to go through this journey of adoption without each of you!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Do you drink coffee or know someone who does?

Do you enjoy a good cup of coffee in the morning?
 I think there are many people out there that do and if everyone we know that drinks coffee ordered a bag of coffee from it would be a huge blessing. A portion of all coffee ordered will go to our adoption cost. We are getting closer to being done with our bank loan (almost half way done paying that back) and that is a huge blessing! 

We continue to wait in God's timing and grace to be pick as adoptive parents and while we wait, we continue to strive to pay off our loan. We thank all of you who have donated, bought a shirt, and prayed for us! You have no idea how much it means to us to have you praying for us and donating towards our adoption. 
We continue to trust God and let Him have complete control over our adoption. 
Please pass the link on to your friends and family to buy coffee, mugs, and other cool items and support our adoption! Happy Coffee Drinking to you! :) 

Monday, April 30, 2012

Will you join us in the 7 o'clock hour?

Waiting is a process in and of itself. It is an art and it is something that Todd and are are truly trying to embrace. There is nothing more we can do, no more papers to fill out, no way for us to talk to a birth mother and tell her how excited we are to be parents and how much we already love our little child to be, there is nothing more to do but PRAY!
We pray, I think that we pray day and night for our future birth mother, we pray that our profile goes out to many birth mothers this month, we pray that a birth mother would pick us, we pray that our baby would be protected, we pray for our relationship with our birth mother, we pray for peace during this process, we pray that we continue to trust God's timing, and we pray for our fundraising (side note our shirts are still up for sale and would be a great gift for mother's day so please go order your shirts today at

We also give thanks! We give thanks for everyone who is praying for us, we thank God for all who have so kindly made donations or bought a tee shirt to support our adoption. We thank God for our time waiting and we are thankful for God's continuous love and guidance.

People keep asking how is it going and it is the same answer it is a waiting game but every time I get asked that question I pray for the day that we no longer are waiting but are rejoicing with everyone about the child that God has placed in our lives.

So we are asking you to join us in prayer. We are asking that during one of the 7 o'clock hours, either in the morning or evening that you say an extra prayer for us and our adoption. We know there is great power in prayer and we know so many of you are praying for this adoption already and what a powerful thing if everyone who we know prays during the 7 o'clock hours. God hears our prayers and knows our desires and it is an honor to present this request to our loving heavenly Father together!!

We thank you for all your prayers, love, support and donations! We are blessed!

Monday, April 16, 2012


It has been longer than normal since I have blogged and it is not because I don't have anything to blog about but we went away on vacation and then my uncle passed away so now I am trying to get back to a normal schedule.

For those of you who couldn't make it to our adoption dinner we wanted to share the writing that we put out for people at the dinner to read. We are still in waiting mode. There is nothing else for us to do but pray and wait. We have our profile out with birthmothers and hope for a day soon to get a phone call that a birthmother has picked us and would like to know more about us and then pick us to be the adoptive parents of her child.

We ask that you pray with us as we wait. Pray that a birthmother will choice us and feel a peace about her decision. Pray for the safety and health of our unborn child and pray for Todd and I as we wait. Pray that we will be patience and remember always that God's timing is the only perfect time!

Thank you all for all your love and support and mostly for your prayers and donations. We still have shirts for sale and we would love for people to continue to support us by purchasing a shirt. Our prayer is that within a year we will be able to pay off our bank loan.

Here is the write up about our adoption journey that we put out for those at the dinner and now for all of you. Thank you for your prayers and your support! God bless. Love, Meredith & Todd

We have always thought that some day we would love to have children and after talking about it and meeting with our doctors, as Todd has a genetic medical condition we did not want to pass along, we decided to adopt. We are thrilled!

We chose to start our adoption journey around August 2011. We did research and met with a few people before we chose to go with Angel Adoption in Cary, IL.

We applied and had our phone interview with them in September and they explained that they only took 5-6 couples a month, nerve racking, yes! But October came and we were in!

We had to do our home study before we could be placed on the website and have Angel find a birth mother for us. So Todd and Meredith contacted Good Hope Adoption in South Dennis and started our home study. We collected all the information anyone could need and completed our home study by January.

Now we are on the Angel Adoption website and they have sent out our profile and continue to send out our profile to possible birth mothers. We do not know when we will be picked. We do not have qualifications for our child, a boy or girl or what race. We are excited to see where God will lead us.

What will happen after we are picked? We will talk or meet with the birth mother and grow a relationship of trust and respect. The birth mother will go into labor and we will be called and be informed as to what hospital to go to (anywhere in the USA). We will then be there to welcome our child into the world. We will wait for the birth mother to sign over her rights to the baby. We will then have to stay in the state that they child is born until our home study is approved by that state (unless the child is born in MA and then we can come home). We will then be approved to travel across stateliness and come home.

We will have post placement follow ups with Good Hope Adoption and after 6 months we will go to court and officially become the parents of our baby!

We would greatly appreciate your prayers as we journey through this adoption process and as God guides us!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Blessed and surprised

How do you thank people enough when my heart feels like there is no way to thank everyone for everything?!?

We had our adoption dinner at Cape Cod Covenant Church last night and Todd and I were amazed at all the wonderful people who worked so hard with us to get everything cooked and set up, we were amazed by peoples willingness to donate their time and energy and skills, we were so thankful and amazed by the people who showed up and donated, and we were blessed with the feeling of God and love in the room.
My favorite part of the dinner was seeing everyone there. It was a joy to look around and see different people I knew from different things, I had people there that I have coached, our social worker was there, the lady that I rent vans from was there, people from church, my teenagers, Todd's family, my family, friends, and we had both young and old, and it reminded me of two things. First I was overwhelmed that we are so blessed to be able to go through this adoption journey with such amazing people and that some day we will get to share our child with such awesome people. We could not
ask for better people to walk through this journey with! The second thing I thought was, man when we get to Heaven it will be like this, all our friends

and family will be there, enjoying great food, music, entertainment, laughter and you know God will be loving it! God was with us last night and I can't wait to see His face someday when we celebrate in Heaven!
There were so many people behind the scenes of our dinner; Carol-Lynn put together a raffle basket for us and we raised over $100 in tickets from the raffle, thank you so much Carol Lynn and congratulations to Clair on winning! Bob Wilson supplied our music and entertainment for the night with a few special guest, the teenagers and Elizabeth, Thank you Bob. Buncey's Pizza donated delicious lasagnas, Todd's Uncle Mike made amazing bread, and Todd's mom brought a lasagna all the way from
Brockton for the dinner, thank you for the food donations! Thank you to everyone who provided salads, it was such a wonderful spread! Thank you to Carolyn for the beautiful and yummy cake! It was more than we had dreamed of and the three
different flavors were amazing! Thank you for donating your time and skills! Thank you to everyone who helped set up and clean up! It is amazing what people working together can achieve! Without all of you, Todd and I would still be there cleaning up!
My mom worked so hard to get the dinner ready. We planned and hoped and yes, even prayed that we would not burn the food and the food came out great. One dish had my mom at the stove stirring for an hour and a half. She is a dedicated woman and I admire her deeply. I loved working with her in the kitchen and we worked hard and laughed hard! It was a joy!
Everyone always wants to know how much did we make at a fundraiser and I am pleased to say that we made over $2000 at our fundraiser from the donations from people there and those who donated even though they could not attend! Thank you so much to everyone for their generous gifts of love towards our adoption. We are blessed beyond words and we thank you all for making the night so special!

We will forever give thanks for each and everyone of you and know that you all hold a special and dear spot in our hearts!
Meredith and Todd

Friday, March 9, 2012


I spend my entire life trying to share the story of God's amazing love with people. I also aim to listen to everyone's story; to hear how they are feeling and what they are experiencing. It is one of my joys of my life to hear God through everyone's stories!! I love it!

I have LOVED hearing all the adoption stories out there. When you tell someone you are in the process of adopting you always get, "oh my cousin adopted" or "I know my friend adopted" etc. And I can't express how much these statements warm my heart; to know that others have been where I am, to have people excited to share more of their stories but the stories I love the most are from those who have adopted first hand.

I love to see the passion of an adopted parent sharing the story of their adoption process. To see there eyes as they tell a funny story or a hard time and to see the joy when they think about the moment when they saw their child's face for the first time. I can't think of anything I have enjoyed more during this process than that joy, the joy of the adopted parents!

I am loving blogging. To hear people say that they are reading the blog and praying for us and that they hope we get a child soon, it is a blessing. We are a community and my child's adoptive story is already filled with love and prayer and what could be better.

I love blogging so much that I am going to blog again on Monday. See on Monday is my birthday and I want to write to my future child what I hope they know when they are 29 so stay posted for that! I was asked by my sister what I want for my birthday and I can clearly stay just for a birth mother to pick us. I don't think I really want much more than that but then I thought oh it would be wonderful if on my birthday we sold a ton of our adoption tee shirts. To not only because it supports our adoption but future adoptions; to give more families the opportunity to
have a story about adoption and to see the joy and love in their eyes!

Yes for my birthday I would love for everyone to order a tee shirt (the link is on the right side of this blog) and then to post on facebook for how their friends can order shirts too. What an amazing our pouring of love that would be! Thank you to all of you have already ordered a shirt or made a donation. We give thanks for you ALL the time!
One last thing, we are having a fundraiser dinner at Cape Cod Covenant Church on Friday, March 23 and we would love for you to come but we are trying to plan for food and table set up and such so if you are planning on coming please RSVP as soon as possible! Thank you!

Please continue to pray for our adoption journey! Please pray with us as we seek a birthmother, as we get the privilege of hearing her story, and as we continue to follow God through this whole process!

Love in Christ's Love,
Meredith and Todd Peters

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Everyone is invited!

We are getting really excited about our upcoming Adoption Dinner Fundraiser on March 23! We love to get our families and friends together and eat! We thank everyone who has RSVP to the dinner! Everyone is invited to the dinner but PLEASE RSVP by March 18! Please invite your friends, neighbors, families, EVERYONE just make sure to RSVP!

Today is my last day of vacation and as I was thinking about what I did this vacation and then I had the burst of energy to do one more thing. Yes I have spent much time cleaning, folding laundry, going to the gym and praying. I have highly enjoyed being home for a week but I just wanted to get one last thing done so I went upstairs and took down the twin bed in the guest room and then I got the crib placed there and I organized all the wonderful baby stuff we have been given.

Todd and I have not received any leads on a birth mother but we trust that God is just making sure to provide us with the right person at the right time (really it has only been a couple of weeks). We did receive our profile that the agency sends out to the birth mothers and we pray that we will be picked soon. I don't mind waiting but waiting for two years would be a true act of patience. Todd prays at lunch every day that we may trust God in His timing and I pray that every moment. Sometimes we try to rush things and miss other blessings in the waiting so I am trying to enjoy the waiting process.

Todd and I received our shirts in the mail this week (picture to come shortly) and we have fliers for people who would like to place an order for tee shirts, it explains why we are selling tee shirts and what the website is to order a tee shirt. We are faithfully praying to sell 200 tee shirts, if you know of someone who would like to order a shirt and sponsor our adoption please give them the website! We would greatly appreciate it, if you ordered a tee shirt and are attending the fundraiser dinner, please wear your tee shirt!

We thank you all for your kind words of encouragement and for all of you who have supported us on this journey. Please continue to pray with us and for us as we continue to follow God on these crazy path of life and adoption! We hope to see all of you at our fundraiser on March 23!

Love in Christ,
Meredith and Todd Peters

Friday, February 24, 2012

All coming together!

What a great week we have had! We are excited about what is coming up in our life and we look forward to what God has in store for us.

We have our profile up on Angel Adoption's website which means that at any point a birthmother could pick us! We are so excited to be in the waiting period and we know others are so excited as well. I have the joy of hanging out with teenagers and whenever my cell phone rings and the number is not in my contacts they are like "this could be it! Answer it!" It is a joy to be able to walk through this journey with our family and friends and we are all waiting with high hopes for what God has in store for us. If you want to look at our profile this is the web address...,com_family/Itemid,138/id,428/view,detail/

What else has been going on you may be asking? Well we have been considering doing a dinner here at our house but quickly realized that we won't have enjoy space for everyone so the church is letting us use the fellowship hall. We are going to have our dinner March 23 from 6:30-8 pm. Everyone is invited, we are asking that you PLEASE RSVP so we have plenty of food and have enough tables set up. We are going to do the dinner by donations. We are also blessed to have a friend who is donating the cake for the event. Her name is Carolyn Ferris Graves and she owns Cake & Islands and we thank her so much for the amazing donation of a cake for the fundraiser. (her facebook page for Cake & Islands is We are also going to have the talented Bob Wilson play some jazz music on the piano during the dinner so thank you to him. It is amazing to Todd and I that we are so blessed by people willing to help us as we continue to follow the call of God to adopt a baby to our family! We hope you can come to our dinner and enjoy the talents of these wonderful people and get to have fellowship as we rejoice over what God is doing through our lives.

We also have our tee shirts for sale starting TODAY! :) We are thrilled that this has worked out for us as we want to not only raise money for our adoption but help others be able to adopt in the future. Our shirts are being sold through Adoption Bug and $1 from every shirt goes back to the Show Hope Organization which helps families adopt! We are thrilled. If you would like to support us and buy a cool tee shirt at the same time all you have to do is go to, and place your order. Your shirt will be shipped to your house and we will raise money for our adoption! Easy!!

Thank you so much for your prayers as we continue to wait on the Lord to have our birthmother directed to us. We can't not say it enough but THANK YOU! Thank you for your support, prayers, love, and strength! We are so blessed!

We hope to hear that all of you can make it on March 23 at 6:30 pm at Church for our Adoption Fundraising Dinner!

God Bless,
Meredith and Todd Peters

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Occupy. Occupy Boston, New York, Washington, it is all in the news! People are occupying space to be heard, to have the world think for a moment about why they are where they are and what they are doing.

Well I am not occupying a city or anything like that but my mind is occupied. All I think about is the adoption of our child. The wonderful day when all the meeting, birthing, waiting, paper signing is done and we are a family. Todd, myself, Hunter and our baby!
Adoption is different than being pregnant, obviously. Pregnant, you have a due date and you know you need to be ready by that day or sooner even if it is a rough estimate of a date; adoption- 2 months to 2 years, crazy! I kind of enjoy the not knowing, our society wants to know everything so fast that we tweet or go on facebook and it is there. But this adoption has reminded me to wait, to be still and know that God has it in control. Don't get me wrong, my mind is occupied and my heart is leaping for it to hurry but in this time of waiting, Todd and I are growing closer together. We are also having a wonderful chance to be faithful stewards with our money and the gifts we have received to pay back a portion of the loan we took out for this adoption.
What is occupying your heart and mind? I know the Bible is clear to think about "whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things (Philippians 4:8)." I am thankful that we are adopting and that maybe for another 2 months or maybe for 2 more years we will get to think about God and his love for us and for our child and be occupied with our minds and hearts over our future child because it is good and excellent!

A special thank you to all of you who have donated to our adoption! We are so blessed and wish we could thank you more because we feel so thankful and we know words can't thank you all enough for your outpouring of love and support. So thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Prayer: God thank you for allowing Todd and I this time to think about the good things in life, to be occupied with our adoption and to focus our love and attention on you and our family. Please continue to guide us and provide for us as we continue to be your faithful followers! Amen

Friday, February 10, 2012

Outpouring of Love

"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as member of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:15+17
"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful." Colossians 4:2

Wow! We have been praying for guidance on the whole paying for our adoption at the same time as we have been praying for our birthmother and our future child.

We have had such an amazing outpouring of love to us and we are so thankful. Some gifts that have come, were totally unexpected and wonderful and no gift is received without us stopping and giving thanks to God for the person/people that sent it. Thank you!

Thank you God for being a God that provides in our weakness and a God who loves in real ways!

We are excited for some upcoming events. We are thinking about hosting a fundraising dinner here on the Cape, still thinking and praying about how/where/when, etc.
Someone also said we should sell shirts, we looked into it and were concerned about the money you had to put out front and how to ship them to people but then I remembered reading the book "Choosing to See" and the agency that the author opened. The group is called Show Hope and they work to help people adopt so I went on their website and we can open a "shop" for our friends and families to buy shirts, they print them and ship them and then we get the profit. So hopefully Feb. 24 will be the day that we can have a new post with how you can buy a nice tee shirt and support our adoption!

We are so thankful for all of you and for all your prayers. We continue to wait for a birthmother to pick us to be parents and we are excited about what God has in store. Please continue to pray for Todd and I and our journey. We have loved going on this journey with God and with all of you! Thank you again for all your support, prayers and love!

Humbly, Meredith and Todd Peters

Friday, February 3, 2012

The desire

This morning I woke up with the desire to blog so here it is,

I am thankful for the opportunity to go through this adoption journey with my favorite person, my husband. It is a wonderful chance for us to grow closer together and to use each other's strengths when a weakness of ourselves shines through. God has blessed me with an amazing husband and I am blessed to walk hand in hand with him as we adopt.

This week after much planning on my part with money we figured our that we will not be getting money back from our taxes (which I had desired to pay off part of our adoption loan with), we will be breaking even which is fine but I was mad when I realized it. Todd thought about it and when we readdressed and refocused, we both realized we are fine, we will continue to pay the loan and be thankful for our jobs and family and friends that make all this possible. God is with us and He already knew that we were not going to have money from our taxes this year and still continues to guide us forward in this adoption journey. Facts about Todd and I, he is calm and thinks through situations and I tend to be emotional and get frustrated or worried.

One of my favorite movies is Anne of Green Gables and there is a line in the movie that reminds me of Todd and I, "Anne: I can't help flying up on wings of anticipation. It's as glorious as soaring through a sunset... almost pays for the thud. Marilla: Well, maybe it does. But I'd rather walk calmly along and do without flying AND thud." I know full well that I plan to the point that I thud down when the plans are not fulfilled, my mind thinks and plans but daily God is teaching me that His path is right and mine leads to missed lessons and missed opportunities to share about His amazing grace and ability to provide so I will try not to fly so high and walk calmly along. Maybe with Todd and God I will figure it out one day, maybe.

I am so truly thankful for our families and friends. I pray daily for people who do not have a strong support system. I do not understand how they get through life, as we could not be where we are and who we are without our support systems. Todd and I are so blessed to both come from families that care about us, love us and pray for us and our church family and friends, amazing! The outpouring of love, support and prayers continue to astound us and we are so thankful for each person who tells us they are praying for us as we go through this journey! So thank you! Thank you for the encouragement through prayers and gifts, you are all miracles to us!

What will tomorrow hold? Who knows but for us we continue to hold onto God and we continue to strive to learn more and more to let Him lead and us follow.

We pray for all of you and give thanks for you every day!!

God Bless! Love, Todd and Meredith Peters